Jargon Buster
Jargon Buster Acronyms
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder |
Individual Action Plan |
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder | IBP | Individual Behaviour Plan |
AfL | Assessment for Learning | ICT |
Information and Communications Technology |
APP | Assessing Pupil Progress | IEP | Individual Education Plan |
Age Weighted Pupil Unit | IiP | Investors in People |
CAF | Common Assessment Framework | INSET | In-Service Education and Training |
CP | Child Protection | ISA | Independent Safeguarding Authority |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development | ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
CPR | Child Protection Register | LA / LEA | Local Authority |
CRB | Criminal Records Bureau | LAC/CLA | Looked after Children or Children Looked After |
CYPS | Children and Young Peoples Services | LSCB | Local Safeguarding Children’s Board |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service | MFL | Modern Foreign Language |
DfE | Department for Education | NC | National Curriculum |
Data Protection Act | NCSL | National College for School Leadership |
DT | Design and Technology | NEET | Not in Education, Employment or Training |
EAB | Education Advisory Board | NGA | National Governors Association |
EAL | English as an additional language | NOR | Number (of pupils) on Roll |
EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties | NPQH | National Professional Qualifications for Headship |
ELSA | Emotional Literacy Support Assistant | NQT |
Newly Qualified Teacher |
Educated Off-Site | OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
EWO | Education Welfare Officer | PAN | Published Admission Number |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage | PLASC | Pupil Level Annual School Census |
FE | Further Education | PM |
Performance Management |
FFT | Fischer Family Trust | PPA | Planning, Preparation and Assessment |
FOI | Freedom of Information | PRU |
Pupil Referral Unit |
FS1 |
Foundation Stage 1 - Nursery | PSCHE | Personal, Social, Citizenship & Health Education |
FS2 | Foundation Stage 2 - Reception | QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
FSM | Free School Meals | R&R | Recruitment and Retention |
FT /PT | Full-time or Part-Time | SEAL | Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning |
FTE | Fixed Term Exclusion | SEF | Self Evaluation Form |
G&T | Gifted and Talented | SENDCo | Special Educational Needs & Disabilities |
GTP | Graduate Teacher Programme | SFVS | Schools Financial Value Standard |
H&S | Health and Safety | SIP | School Improvement Plan |
HE | Higher Education | SLA | Service Level Agreement |
HLTA | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
HMCI | Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector | SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulties |
HMI | Her Majesty's Inspectorate | TA | Teaching Assistant |
HR | Human Resources | UPN | Unique Pupil Number |