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At Bempton Primary School, we aim to produce learners who are independent and effective users of both hardware and software using the role of both, inside and outside of our school.

We aim to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their independence and confidence in their computing capabilities in all curriculum areas, as specified by the National Curriculum. This includes opportunities to plan, design, create, program and evaluate information through the use of ICT.

Our curriculum allows pupils to gain confidence and enjoyment from their computing activities and to develop skills which extend and enhance their learning throughout the curriculum.

Our curriculum is designed to develop logical thinking and problem solving. It also provides opportunities for pupils to gain knowledge about computing tools.

Finally, it outlines and teaches children how to stay safe online.

The Computing curriculum is currently being reviewed and adapted for Bempton Primary School. The new curriculum document will be available shortly. Please contact school to speak with Mr Bollon the subject leader if you would like further information.